HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

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HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

Unread post by sanjajerem »

Hi everybody,
I am rather new to teaching and I have a problem with discipline. I have 10 children from 4-6.5 and we speak the same mother tongue. First month was great. Their preschool teacher told me they really love English and they hug me when they see me etc.. Then I started having problems.Two boys can't stand still. Most of them touch what they are not supposed to touch. Then one boy is always complaining after the hello song that his tummy hurts and then just lies down then when it's convenient it stops hurting... last time several of them were having stomachaches when it was convenient for them. I have trouble explaining the game rules because some of them just don't listen.When we sit in the circle and I am showing a book or pictures some of them always come close to me after my futile repetitions to back up so that other children can see me too. We have a part when they fall asleep in one action song and when it's time to wake up there is always sb who refuse to do it with the hazard of sb being hurt,..I am afraid I'm going to lose the job because I have a real problem of teaching them anything! The last several classes were just me trying to run at least one part of the 45 min smoothly. I am trying to figure out what change after the first month that were great: there were less children-some of them being sick, another topic, and I don't know what else. I have classes at 15h 2 times a week and they have french classes for 1and a half hour every day in the morning, but this was also so the first month.At French classes they have 15 min break when they play freely, so two of the boys asked me why I don't allow them to play freely during my class.
I didn't have any penalties until now, but now I must think of sth and I am asking for some help and suggestions. HELP PLEASE! Thank you!
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Re: HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

Unread post by sharonita »

I can understand how you feel since I have simillar problem. I teach first, second and third grades and it is really hard for them to sit still for 45-50 minutes. They loose their attention often and make noise. They suddenly have tummyaches or they thirsty...100 excuses :-).
My advise to you is to keep calm, activate them a lot phisically (to get the energy out), keep them interested by singing, playing games etc...give them stickers for good behaviour and after 10 stickers they got, reward them with a small present. You also have to work on yourself to be more assertive and show them that when you say something, or ask them to do something, you mean it!!!
Good Luck.
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Re: HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

Unread post by sanjajerem »

Oh, thank you for your answer. I did some reward and punishment actions - stickers and no stamps- and it did bring results. Now I have to figure out what is really for punishment and when and it all takes time, doesn't it :)
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Re: HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

Unread post by Susan »

It helps to have a scale; from punishment for acts that are not too bad to more serious punishments for e.g. hitting a classmate.
Low on the scale can be something like a sticker is confiscated. High on the scale can be a meeting with the head. Of course, there'll be several degrees between the two I've mentioned. It's good if the class know in advance what the punishment will be for breaking class rules. And of course, they need to know the rules.
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Re: HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

Unread post by sanjajerem »

Thank you Susan, I appreciate it:)
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Re: HELP PLS discipline 4-6 yos

Unread post by James1987 »


I used to find that splitting them in to groups worked very well. Each group could earn stars, and then if one student was bad the whole group would lose a star. Which ever group had the most stars at the end of the lesson would all get stickers.

I find that you don't want to give out stickers too much otherwise they lose their value.

Another thing that i found worked was treating them a little bit like my little soldiers. At the beginning of the class I would make them all salute me. So i would shout "Attention!!!" and the groups would have to say "SIR YES SIR!!", and i would go between groups doing this. Whichever group was good would get a star, whichever group had a student who didn't respond either would get no star or if they were repeat offenders would lose a star.

Then if the class gets out of hand you can fall back on shouting attention to the class to get control again. Then have them sit down and stay quiet until all their attention is on you.

Body language is very important as well sometimes, knowing when to look approachable and friendly and when to look stern and unhappy with their behaviour. That way when they are sat in silence they know that you are still unhappy without you having to say anything at all, and thus maintaining the silence until you are happy to move on.
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