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Can tefl be a long term career?

Posted: 22 Jul 2019, 14:56
by Pmangat
Hi all,

I have been thinking about getting TEFL qualified an going abroad for some time. I'm 31 , from the UK and currently looking for a job . I really want a career change but for so long I have been stuck as to what I would like to do. I thought about doing TEFL as I know I want a career in helping others and I have always wanted to travel . However as I am at the age that I would like to make a career I have been thinking if TEFL is worth it as in my mind it isn't something you can do long term. I don't have a degree so I do feel limited in that way and I would like to even consider moving abroad permanently however im not sure that TEFL is a permanent career choice , therefore I am struggling with the decision of spending my money on this if at the end of it I will be in the same position and feeling stuck abut my next step.

Re: Can tefl be a long term career?

Posted: 06 Aug 2019, 12:22
by odyssey
Everything is what you make it. And TEFL has the potential for a long-term career change. But it involves serious study (ie a proper Celta or CertTESOL course) followed up with diploma studies later on. If taken seriously (as opposed to a GAP year), it has potential.