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Teaching online in noisy places - Solution.

Posted: 14 Dec 2019, 15:43
by Nigel-H
Hi everyone, I teach ESL online and find that as a digital nomad, I have been plagued with the issue of background noise when trying to conduct an online lesson.
Where I am located has a particular issue with outrageously noisy articulated trucks with 'Jake brakes'.
If you don't know what these are, congratulations!
It's safe to say that they are extremely noisy.
Cafés are another issue, particularly with those coffee machines and ice crunching smoothie makers.

Now, what if there was a solution?
There is.
It's called noise attenuation devices or software.

When I used to fly a lot, we had noise attenuating headsets that used noise cancellation technology.
Unfortunately, they were very expensive but they worked by basically using sound against sound at the same frequencies. The effect was amazing and reduced fatigue on long flights or whilst teaching for long hours.

Now, I have been testing a propriety product which does the same thing on a laptop or desktop. A version for mobile phones is under development as well.

To say I was impressed, would be an understatement, when ALL background noise was TOTALLY eliminated. From shouting children and barking dogs, right up to the horrendous Jake brake racket I mentioned earlier.
The software is not free, but it's not expensive either.

Given that I'm new here, I'm not going to give purchasing details as I don't want to be banned from the forum for commercial activity. So if you want information on my findings, how to conduct call (FOC) and how to get it and install it etc. Please send me a PM and I'll oblige.

Here's to a noise free online teaching experience!

My new favourite Christmas carol? Silent night! 🌃


Re: Teaching online in noisy places - Solution.

Posted: 15 Dec 2019, 22:21
by Nigel-H
If you haven't had a reply to a PM, please email me as I see my replies are stuck in the outbox.

tamesway at


Re: Teaching online in noisy places - Solution.

Posted: 18 Jun 2021, 12:33
by Ultimer
Yeah, when I heard the effect of denoiser the first time, I was really shocked about that

Re: Teaching online in noisy places - Solution.

Posted: 07 Jul 2021, 12:30
by kellanfarday
Denoisers are indeed great for teaching online in noisy places!

I'd just like to add that for Audacity would work in a pinch! It has a noise reduction feature.

P.S. This is for post-processing audio after recording, not live teaching. For example, if you're creating videos for an online course.

Re: Teaching online in noisy places - Solution.

Posted: 30 Jul 2021, 02:43
by tommyroland
I am also facing a similar situation when now I have to teach online full time. Thank you for your sharing