How the Japanese Chop up English
One of the most characteristic, interesting and tricky-to-understand ways in which the Japanese use English words and expressions in their own language is to shorten them in ways that are not common elsewhere. Some of these have later come back into international English, such as anime (short for animation) and karaoke (oke being short for orchestra). Others, such as ama (short for amateur) and u car (yuu kaa, short for used car) are likely to leave someone stumped the first time they hear them- including often older Japanese! Then there is the extension of that practice into brand names like Starbu (sutaba – Starbucks) and Mac/ MacDo (maku or makudo – MacDonald’s), and even famous people’s names such as Jimi Hen (Jimi Hendriks).
Luckily, the ways in which these shortened forms are produced and used is quite systematic, and people who get used to them often have difficulty switching back to the longer English versions of Japanese abbreviations like conveni (konbini, short for convenience store). Obviously, this is much more of an issue with Japanese students who are trying to use English outside their own country and assume that defla (defure – short for deflation) will be understood because it comes from English, or may often be totally unaware of the longer English form. This is an even more important point to look at in class when what they are trying to say is a shortening of an expression which doesn’t actually exist in English but is just “made in Japan” from English words, such as sha pen (shaa pen, short for sharp pencil – automatic pencil/ mechanical pencil). As I have written another whole article on this topic (see list of links below), I’ve just mixed those into the categories I have used below rather than dealt with them separately. For example, the first category below is full of these abbreviations that are completely “made in Japan”!
Different ways in which the Japanese shorten English words and expressions
Some of these expressions are made in the normal English way of taking the first letter of each word:
AV (ei bii) – short for both audio visual and adult video (porn)
AV model (ei bii moderu, short for adult video model) – porn actress
BGM (bii jii emu) – background music, a proper genre in Japan
BS (bii esu, short for broadcast satellite) – satellite television
DM (dii emu, short for direct mail) – junk mail (old fashioned through the door stuff)
DV (dii bii) – domestic violence
LL (eru eru) – XL
NG (enu jii, short for no good) – opposite of OK
OL (oo eru, short for office lady) – female equivalent of salaryman, but a bit patronising
PV (pii bii, from promotion video) – music video
RV (aaru bui, short for recreation vehicle) – SUV
SF (esu efu) – science fiction (some real enthusiasts use SF in English, but sci fi is much more common)
SL (esu eru, short for steam locomotive) – steam train
The Japanese also sometimes use English letters to represent single words, which is quite rare in English:
L (eru) – large (clothing size)
M (emu/ emu saizu) – medium (size in clothes)
S (esu) – small (size, for clothing)
In slang, this also extends to using English letters to represent Japanese words, e.g. H (etchi, short for hentai) for horny or perverted.
More commonly, the English word is shortened to the first couple of syllables:
accel (akuseru) – accelerator
alumi (arumi) – aluminium
apart (apaato) – (cheap, low rise, wooden) apartment
appo (apo) – appointment/ arrangement
automa (ootome) – automation
brassie (buraja, short for brassiere) – bra
buil (biru) – (office) building
centi (senchi) – centimetre
chara (kyara) – (cartoon) character
cloak (kurooku) – cloakroom
compe (konpe) – competition
conne (kone) – connections (e.g. old school tie)
conserva (konsaba) – conservative
correspond (korepon) – correspondence
defl (defure) – deflation
dia (daiya, short for diagram) – train timetable
dia (daiya) – diamond
doll (doru) – dollar
ex (ekisu) – extract/ essence (used in cooking)
free (furii) – freelance/ freelancer
guara (gyara) – guarantee
handi – (golf) handicap
handkerchi (hankachi) –handkerchief
hard (haado) – hardware/ electronic goods
illust (irasuto) – illustrated/ illustration
infl (infure) – inflation
infra (infura) – infrastructure
les (rezu) – lesbian
loc (roke) – location (of filming)
mecha (meka) – mechanical
milli – millimetre or milligrams
mini – miniskirt
nega – (photo) negative
perma (paama, short for permanent) – perm
presen (purezen) – presentation
punc (panku) – puncture
rehabili (rihabiri) – (physical) rehabilitation
roas (short for roast) – pork loin/ sirloin, like a kind of ham
sado (sado) – sadism
soft (sofuto) – software
st (suto) –strike, meaning industrial action
super (suupaa) – supermarket
televi (terebi) – television
text (tekisto) – textbook
Tupper (tappaa) – short for Tupperware
volley (baree) – volleyball (it also has the usual meaning in football)
There are also a few where it is the first syllables which are eliminated:
bian – lesbian (from insider slang, but becoming more well-known)
form (hoomu) – platform
shade (sheido) – lampshade
neck (nekku) – bottleneck
Fairly often, whole words are missed out in Japanese:
cleaning (kuriiningu) – dry cleaning/ house cleaning service
clip (kurippu) – paper clip
dryer (doraiyaa) – hair dryer
finder (faindaa) – view finder
front (furonto, short for front desk) – hotel reception
ham egg (hamu eggu) – ham and eggs
ice (aisu) – ice cream
living (ribingu) – living room
machine (mishin) – sewing machine
magic (majikku, short for magic pen) – (permanent) marker
make (meiku) – make up
morning (mooningu) – morning coat
no make (no meiku, short for no make-up) – not wearing make up
objet (obuje) – objet d’art
punch (panchi) – hole punch, and punch with fist
range (renji, short for cooking range) – kitchen stove
share (shea) – market share
short cut (shooto kato) – short hair cut
stand (sutando, short for stand lamp) – a small lamp
wiper (waipaa) – windscreen wipers
Other times the words that remain are also shortened:
agit (ajito, short for agitating point) – hiding place/ meeting place (e.g. a café) for revolutionaries
April Fool (eepuriru fuuru) – April Fool’s Day
conveni (konbini) – convenience store
depart (depaato) – department store
gird (gaado) – girder bridge
mini pat (mini pato, short for mini patrol car) – small police car
off reco (ofu reko) – off the record
picke (pike) – picket line
regi (reji) – cash register
Then there are expressions made from the beginnings of two or more words, in the same way that sci-fi was created from science fiction. This is quite rare in English but very common in Japanese, as it is also the way that short forms of compounds based on Chinese symbols (kanji) are written:
Ame foot (ame fuuto) – American football
aro fo – around forty (years old)
auto bi (ootobai, from automatic bike) – motorbike
ba u (be a, short for base up) – pay raise
caba clu (kyaba kura, short for cabaret club) – a kind of hostess club
en sto (en suto, short for engine stop) – stalling a car
fami com (fami kon, short for family computer) – video game system
gen st (zene suto) – general strike
hun st (han suto) – hunger strike
jea pan (jii pan, short for jean pants) – jeans
mail ad (meru ado) – email address
note perso com (nooto paso kon, short for note personal computer) – laptop/ notebook
remo con (rimo kon) – remote control
sex hara (seku hara) – sexual harassment
sub man (sabu mane, short for sub manager) – assistant manager
trai pan (tore pan, short for training pants) – tracksuit trousers
wor pro (waa puro) – word processor
In other cases just one of the two words are shortened:
alumi foil (arumi hoiru) -aluminium foil
ball pen (booru pen) – ballpoint pen
body buil (bodii biru) – short for body building
condense milk (kondensu miruku) – condensed milk
engage ring (engeiji ringu) – engagement ring
happy end (happii endo) – happy ending
high heel- high heels/ high heeled shoes
lady first (reidi faasuto) – ladies first
le guards (le gaasu, short for leg guards) – shin pads
mash potato (masshu poteto) – mashed potatoes
mass comm (masu komi) – mass communications
mass pro (masu puro) – mass production
multi talent (maruchi tarento) – multi talented
multi task (maruchi tasku) – multi tasking
off limit (ofu rimitto) – off limits
office hour (ofisu awaa) – office hours
old fashion (oorudo fasshon) – old fashioned
one side game (wan saido geemu) – one-sided game
pat car (pato kaa) – patrol car
scramble egg (sukuramburu) – scrambled eggs
skate rink (sukeeto rinku) – skating rink
sunglass (sangurasu) – sunglasses
table manner (teburu manaa) – table manners
time up (taimu appu) – time’s up
Valentine Day (barentain dei) – Valentine’s day
Y shirt (wai shatsu, short for ‘white shirt’) – business shirt/ dress shirt
Some of the examples above can be particularly confusing for native speakers as the shortened form in Japanese is the same as or similar to another word or expression in English:
apart (apaato) – (cheap, low rise, wooden) apartment in Japanese/ separate in English
April Fool (eepuriru fuuru) – April Fool’s Day in Japanese/ a person who is tricked on that day in English
BS (bii esu, short for broadcast satellite) – satellite television in Japanese/ bullshit in English
cleaning (kuriiningu) – dry cleaning or house cleaning in Japanese/ more general in English
clip (kurippu) – paperclip in English/ more general, e.g. part of gun, in English
cloak (kurooku) – cloakroom in Japanese/ a cape in English
depart (depaato) – department store in Japanese (n)/ leave in English (v)
dryer (doraiyaa) – hair dryer in Japanese/ more general but usually tumble dryer in English
ex (ekisu) – extract or essence in Japanese/ ex -boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, ex-husband or ex-wife in English
form (hoomu) – platform in English/ application form etc in English
free (furii) – freelance or freelancer in Japanese/ adjective of freedom in English
front (furonto, short for front desk) – hotel reception in Japanese/ the opposite of rear in English
handi/ handy – golf handicap in Japanese/ useful in English
hard (haado) – hardware in Japanese (n)/ the opposite of soft in English (adj)
ice (aisu) – ice cream in Japanese/ frozen water in English
kilo (kiro) – both kilometre and kilogramme in Japanese/ only the latter in English
living (ribingu) – living room in Japanese/ alive in English
magic (majikku, short for magic pen) – permanent marker in Japanese/ the noun of magical in English, e.g. Harry Potter
make (meiku) – make up in Japanese/ produce in English
morning (mooningu) – morning coat in Japanese/ the first half of the day in English
range (renji, short for cooking range) – kitchen stove in Japanese/ broad selection in English
punch (panchi) – hole punch and boxing in Japanese/ only the latter in English
shade (sheido) – lampshade in Japanese/ a place out of the sun in English
share (shea) – market share in Japanese/ stock in English
soft (sofuto) – software or soft ice cream in Japanese (n)/ the opposite of hard in English (adj)
spell (superu) – spelling in Japanese/ some magic or a short period in English
stand (sutando, short for stand lamp) – a small lamp in Japanese/ something that holds something up, e.g. for display, in English
super (suupaa) – supermarket in Japanese (n)/ wonderful in English (adj)
text (tekisto) – textbook in Japanese/ more general in English
volley (baree) – volleyball or hitting the ball without it touching the ground in Japanese/ only the latter meaning in English
Of these, the ones that are most likely to cause confusion are share, text, stand, ice, form and free. Depart can also cause misunderstandings, but more with department in a company than with the verb to depart.
Sometimes these words and expressions do have different short forms in British and/ or American English, and teaching these can be a good way to improve students’ comprehension and to give them an easy to think of options when they are trying to avoid Japlish abbreviations – often more effective than asking them to stick to the longer form:
a flat for a puncture
biro for ballpoint pen
bucks for dollar
cop car for police car
corner shop for convenience store
do my face for make up
gas pedal for accelerator
shades for sunglasses
the zapper for a remote control
tracky bottoms for tracksuit trousers (training pants in Japanese)
TV/ telly/ the box for television
Other common difficulties for Japanese speakers learning English and English speakers learning Japanese which are hopefully also of general linguistic interest are dealt with in these other articles of mine on the topic of wasei eigo/ Japlish/ Japanese English/ Engrish:
Pronunciation changes in Japanese English
How Japanese English works (overview)