Best Places to Teach English in South Korea

Human civilization is constantly evolving and the pace we’re seeing right now is probably the fastest ever. One of the major changes we’ve seen in the last couple of decades is the proliferation of the English language. If you take a look at it closely, you will see that people from all over the globe have learned this language pretty fast.
Not only is this beneficial for people who want to learn new languages, but it is also beneficial for those who want to have more job opportunities in front of them. For instance, if you take a look at the number of companies who are looking towards outsourcing their work to a foreign workforce, you will see that it is a real opportunity.
One of the most prolific examples that have emerged in the last couple of years is in Asia. Just think about the millions of people from the region who have learned English over the years. Today, we will focus on South Korea, and we will provide you with a list of the places where teaching English offers you the biggest number of opportunities.
The capital of South Korea is definitely among the most vibrant cities in the world. Seoul is a city that we can describe as the most popular destination for English teachers who want to share their knowledge with people in the country. Since we’re talking about a big city, you will come across numerous possibilities for doing so.
One thing is certain, you will never get bored if you decide to teach English in Seoul. Even when you want to have some time off, you will be able to visit numerous music festivals organized in the city. So, you can see that this is not just the place you would go if you want to teach, but also if you want to be entertained at the same time.
Also, the city is surrounded by numerous mountains, and the seaside is just a couple of hours’ drive away from you. The only problem we’ve encountered in Seoul is traffic. We’re talking about a crowded city, with millions of cars. However, if you don’t consider this to be a problem for you, then this is the right place to be.
Busan is a city located in the southern part of the country, in the south seaside, to be precise. We are talking about the second-biggest city in the country. As is the case with Seoul, you will come across a lot of influences from western civilization. If you come from this part of the world, you will feel like you are at home.
When it comes to opportunities for teaching English in Busan, you will see quickly see that they are numerous. There are a lot of schools that organize gatherings solely to learn this language. Also, teachers have an opportunity to choose between private and public schools, which is nothing short of exceptional.
If you have high education in this field, then you can become an employee of Pusan National University. Many foreigners have found their place here, and they have decided to stay and live in the country for decades. Without a doubt, Busan represents a great opportunity for people with this goal.
Jeju island is one of the most developed parts of the country, including its capital, Jeju. Without any doubt, Jeju represents a great opportunity for teachers who are interested in experiencing the warm climate in Asia. The island itself has a popular of half a million people, and almost all of them live in the capital.
The island is filled with numerous heritage sites, and most of them can be visited by locals and foreigners without any limitations. Also, you will be able to taste some of the local cuisines, which makes the locals proud and foreigners interested in trying as much of it as possible.
Alongside teaching the language on this island, you will be able to take a look at numerous exceptional flora and fauna species living here. If you ever need to visit the mainland, you will be glad to hear that ferries are cheap and they can get you there in less than two hours.
If you’re a person who doesn’t enjoy living in a big city, then we would recommend you start your journey in South Korea in Daegu. We are talking about a city in the southern part of the country, and you can reach a much bigger city Busan, in just forty minutes. Still, that doesn’t mean that you cannot get numerous possibilities in this town too.
As is the case with all the major cities in the country, there is a lot of western influence here. Therefore, people require learning English, and you will be able to come across numerous job offers for teaching the language. For that reason, we believe that Daegu is a great choice for people who don’t want to live in large cities but still have enough possibilities as well.
Lastly, we want to address the possibility of teaching English in the city of Incheon. The city is filled with foreigners since it is located quite close to the biggest international airport in the country. Therefore, whenever you need to travel to another country or different parts of South Korea, you will be able to do so without any struggle.
Another benefit is that Incheon and Seoul are interconnected by a subway. What need to be said is that this city is smaller than most of those we’ve enlisted here. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t worry about the lack of entertainment or opportunities for work. In fact, most of the locals and foreigners agree that this is a great place to live.
Bottom Line
Teaching English in South Korea offers numerous possibilities. Here, we’ve provided you with a list of the cities where you can feel at home and still be able to improve your career while having a good time. We believe you will find this list of ours to be of much-needed help.