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I would love a mentor!

Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 18:16
by skatz
Hello, I was wondering if there was anyone wanting to mentor an absolute beginner ;) I am in Denmark and have just one private student at the moment but have the opportunity to put forward ideas for adult education classes, my ideas are beginner english, business english for office workers and english conversation for those who would like an opportunity to speak english. I also plan to advertise myself as a private tutor and on completing a business english course offer a service to companies.

Please PM me if you would like to help, thanks, Katt.

Re: I would love a mentor!

Posted: 03 Mar 2011, 14:38
by cyndie
I know you wrote your e-mail in November but still, I'll say what I have to say and you'll do what you want with it. My mother would be an excellent mentor for you. She's an excellent English speakers and she doesn't have the opportunity to practice it a lot since she is living in a very small town where the population speaks French and only French. Since you live in Germany I think it would be a great thing to communicate by e mails first and after if you want to you could even use Skype. My mother is at retirement so she would be available for you at anytime of the day. Think about it and let me know if you have decided to take her as your mentor.
Bye Cyn

Re: I would love a mentor!

Posted: 03 Mar 2011, 15:23
by aniaLL
I never did any mentoring and have no experience in this matter whatsoever! I wonder, how does it look like? What type of advice the mentor can provide? Is it difficult to be a mentor? I understand that the mentor needs to have a lot of experience, or maybe ....not. I would also like to know whether this kind of job can be regarded as a full time job? Overall, it is a great idea teaching someone from your own, meaningful experiences...