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Non-EU friendly schools??

Posted: 04 Aug 2014, 02:25
by CJKliks
Can anyone please recommend a place where I can post my resume and an announcement to find schools (in Poland or Germany) that are non-EU citizen friendly, or find a listing of schools hiring non-EU teachers? I know there *are* some schools out there that hire non-EU citizens, but how to find them??... Any help would be welcome. Thanks in advance!

Re: Non-EU friendly schools??

Posted: 06 Oct 2015, 04:56
by afheil89
I would like to know this too!!

Non-EU friendly schools?? - Food For Thought

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 05:33
by MTE1369
There are schools and employers that hire "Non-EU" but they are harder to find, and people may not like the "policy". But it exists for several reasons;

1. Since most schools/employers do not help with Visa issues, they hire "EU" because like it or not we don't need a visa or have to go through lengthy immigration issues.

2. Most importantly the school/employer IS NOT exposed to the risk of criminal prosecution because of someone else's Visa Fraud, not saying that "you" have or will commit visa/immigration fraud (But there are plenty out here in TEFL Land who do)

3. But there are plenty of people out here in TEFL who do work various questionable/illegal visa games and scams to remain in a given country/Schengen zone, (Poland especially) as an example (In my experience they seem to be mostly from Murica and Australia, countries which interestingly do not welcome/tolerate any kind of visa fraud - Just saying!).

4. Finally, there are also large numbers of people from "country x" with questionable TEFL/Teaching qualifications and at best marginal English who see TEFL as a way to leave "country x" and immigrate to a Schengen or other country and remain there.

Before you all gang up on me and start name-calling, I have no problem with immigration when it is done LEGALLY, I even lived in the US for many years (legally)

Re: Non-EU friendly schools??

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 13:50
In my days there was no such thing as fraud with relation to visas and what have you. I have even noticed a post about fake TEFL certificate. All of this can only be credited to the youths of today. Crime has become very rampant nowadays and this only serves to put smoke in the route of those that are honest. I was even shocked one day to see a post right here on this forum about fake notes, passports and visas. Those that are raised and bred upon the solid rock of honesty would never get involved with such dirt.

Re: Non-EU friendly schools??

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 14:05
by odyssey
COLIN wrote: 03 Dec 2019, 13:50 I was even shocked one day to see a post right here on this forum about fake notes, passports and visas.
Did you report it? I hope so! You only have to click the Report exclamation mark.

Re: Non-EU friendly schools??

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 15:40
No because I was new on the forum. So if others did not, why should a newcomer spoil the broth?