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to all blind tefl teachers

Posted: 17 Sep 2006, 18:00
by vcbpg
Yes, it IS possible to teach without seeing! I did the four week course (and put up with a lot of skepticism) and I m now teaching. If there are any other future teachers in a similar situation, please write to me. I d be glad to help.

Another problem for me.

Posted: 07 Dec 2006, 17:08
by sstephanie
I did a similar course than you. Had a few job offers but I have another problem to add to that: I am not an English Native (French actually). I Find quite hard to find a good position. My English (written and oral) is very good. No accent... just a nice british accent!!!Can you advise me? Thanks.

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 10:42
by vcbpg
Est ce que vous avez eu beaucoup de problemes aussi pendant le cours? Pour moi, la premiere semaine etait tres dificil. J ai travaille pour 5 moins et maintenant je suis en train d ouvrir une ecole en Vietnam. Si vous avez besoin de quelque chose, vous pouvez m ecrire. Mon email est