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What do you do in your private lessons? Need advice please!

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 16:38
by ElliotW
Hi all!

I have just completed my CELTA course and am living in Spain.
I want to get into doing private one on one lessons and I have had some interest from clients already.

However, unlike my practice courses with the CELTA where the students do pairwork, writing exercises etc, I am wondering how the time is generally filled in a private lesson? I know obviously it kind of depends on say what they want to focus on eg conversation, but is it common to set students writing exercises during the lesson?
If so don't they feel like why are you the teacher there if youre not doing anything as theyre just writing? I guess a mix of activites is good but any tips or general private class structure of lessons would be helpful! Thanks!

Re: What do you do in your private lessons? Need advice plea

Posted: 14 Mar 2012, 13:18
by BrianGrover
Your instincts are correct, writing wouldn't be the most valuable use of time. Privates should mostly be devoted to oral-output. It's the one skill students cannot practice outside of class. Listening, reading and even writing are easy to accomplish online. Speaking, not so much. Keep in mind that oral output refers to their output, not yours. Teacher talk should be limited to no more than 10% of the time. Many if not most instructors tend to fill up the uncomfortable silences with nervous chatter. Instead spend your time figuring out how to motivate the student to speak. It ain't easy.

Brian Grover

Re: What do you do in your private lessons? Need advice plea

Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 07:08
by Richardavie
It depends on their level too, but I would recommend 100% communicative lessons. This is their chance to talk so your job is to provide interesting things to talk about e.g. discussions, debates, points of view, opinions, current affairs.

If their level is lower you can still help them describe themselves, where they are from, family, what they like / don't like doing, what they did last week, etc. Good luck!

Re: What do you do in your private lessons? Need advice plea

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 05:53
by jasminade
As above. But for written homework (I never use the actual class time for writing), depending on the time you have at hand, I find that the students like you to sit with them as you mark the essays/exercise. You can make this a discussion point - "what do you think is the reason for this correction?" etc.

Of course, this depends on the level you are teaching.