The TEFL mentoring experiment has begun

It took a while, but after reading Louise Lee’s guest piece calling for an online system of TEFL mentoring, we leapt into action (well, staggered to our feet like we had a makkoli hangover) and a mere 2 months later we have set up a forum with the aim of matching mentors and mentorees. Give it a look or (preferably) give it a go.

This entry was posted in CPD, links, mentoring, Teacher associations, Teacher training, TEFL, TEFL career planning, TEFL forums. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to The TEFL mentoring experiment has begun

  1. Sandy says:

    Seems like a crackin’ idea, Alex. I’ll be making myself available for confidence-building sessions and advice on how to beat up or avoid having to shag your ogre of a DoS!

  2. David V. says:

    Brave new world, Alex. Good luck.

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